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About Ronneby Airport

Ronneby Airport is located close to several towns in the region: Karlskrona, Karlshamn, Sölvesborg, Kalmar, Kristianstad and Växjö are all located within approximately one hour's journey by car. The airport has a civilian and military section.

Opening hours

Monday-Friday and Sunday: The airport opens approximately 1 hour 15 minutes before first departure, and closes 15 minutes after last arrival.

Saturday: Closed

Certain deviations may occur as we adapt the opening hours to air traffic.

Facts about the airport

Blekinge wing, F 17, has an international flying unit and two JAS divisions at the airport. Here is also Sweden's only Jäger unit, Flygbasjägarskolan.

Distance from Ronneby Airport to:
Ronneby: 8 kilometres
Karlskrona: 33 kilometres
Karlshamn: 32 kilometres
Sölvesborg: 59 kilometres
Kalmar: 113 kilometres
Kristianstad: 88 kilometres
Växjö: 81 kilometres

Length of runway:
2,331 metres

Number of travellers 2024
101 000

Number of destinations 2024
1 domestic

Facts about Blekinge Wing F17
Runs incident preparation for flight and ground for most of the year.
Has an international flying unit, SE 02, and two JAS 39 divisions.
Responsible for base battalion. At F17 there is the air force's only Jäger unit, Flygbasjägarskolan.