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About the airport

Skåne is the most densely populated part of Sweden. It is a part of the Öresund region, which together with Copenhagen, constitutes the largest growth area in Scandinavia. Malmö Airport is an important part of the infrastructure of the Öresund region.

The Öresund region is an attractive region for international companies. Reasons behind this are the many universities and the fact that the region is leading within medicine, biotechnology (Medicon Valley), IT and food products.

Malmö Airport is located in the heart of this region – a large workplace employing a total of some 1,200 people spread between fifty companies.

Well-developed infrastructure

The well-developed infrastructure makes it easy to reach Malmö Airport from both Sweden and Denmark, regardless of whether you drive a car or use public transport. The motorway to Malmö Airport connects Sweden with Denmark via the Öresund bridge.

Large catchment area

Malmö Airport’s catchment area covers most of southern Sweden, where a total of 1.4 million people live. Taking into account the closely located region in Denmark, a total of 3.6 million people live in the catchment area for Malmö Airport.