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Bus services to/from Luleå Airport

Here, we have collected information for you who wants to travel to and from the airport by bus.

Frequently asked questions

Which bus can I take to and from the airport?

Luleå Lokal Traffic's bus 4 and bus 104 takes you to and from the airport.

Bus 4 takes you to Smedjegatan/the city centre, and on towards Luleå University.

Bus 104 takes you to Smedjegatan/the city centre, and on towards Luleå bus station and Luleå train station.

Where is the bus stop?

You'll find the bus stop outside the airport terminal.

When can I take the bus?

For an updated and full timetable, see Luleå Local Traffic's website.

How do I buy tickets?

On the buses, you cannot buy tickets in cash, but you can easily pay with a bus card or credit/debit card. You can also buy bus tickets in Luleå Lokaltrafik's app or on the web. Ticket in app must be purchased and activated before boarding. You can buy bus tickets in the center of Luleå at LLT info at Smedjegatan 13 H or at Pressbyrån in Strand Galleria.

For more information on how to buy tickets, see Luleå Local Traffic's website.